Midwest Division Commandants
National Website
Link to Marine Corps League National Headquarters
National Library
Link to Marine Corps League LibraryNational has created a library to make it easier for us to find the information we need to do our Job.
The menu is organized into several easy to follow catagories
Detachment Bylaw Template
Link to Detachment Bylaw TemplateAs we all know National has been rewriting our National Bylaws and Administrative Procudures. As a result most of us will also have to rewrite our Detachment Bylaws to be complient with National. They have provided us with a template to follow. Your bylaws do not have to exactly the same as template but it is a guide to follow.
Paymaster Guide
Commandant Harris and the Department of Kansas has developed a guide for our paymasters;Link to Paymaster Guide
Red Blazer
Link to JC Penney Red BlazerNational will no longer be selling the Red Blazer in the Ships Store. The company we were getting them from is going out of business. There are still a few in stock but when they run out there will be no more from the store. JC Penney has a red blazer that is very close to the orginal Blazer we had. You will have to change the buttons to Marine Corps League buttons which can be purchased from our Ships Store. The link above is to information on the Blazer from the JC Penney website. The Blazer normally sells for around $200 but can be bought on sale for much less.
Link to JCPenney.com
Officer Job Descriptions
The Department of Kansas has developed a very good guide for our Marine Corps League OfficersI believe this guide will work for all Levels from Detachment all the way to National.
Midwest Division Officer Job Description
MCL Awards Record
The Department of Kansas Commandant Joe Huges has developed a new form to keep track of your accomplishments in the Marine Corps League. Our Division Commandant Harvey Harris recommends anyone that desire to be elected to a Division, Department, or Detachment office, fill out and submit this form. This would be a way for voting members to look at the qualifications and experience lever the member possess prior to an election. Link to MCL AWARDS RECORD
2019 Honor Guard Policy and Procedures
At the National Convention the National Board of Trustees revoked the January 2019 National Funeral Guard Standard Operating Procuders and voted in a new Honor Guard Policy and Procedures.Link to Honor Guard Policy and Proedures
2018 National Convention Reports
The reports from our 2018 National Convention held in Buffalo, New York can be read at this link
2018 Marine Corps League National Convention Reports.
Guide to Hosting A Division Conference
Midwest Division Administrative Procedures for hosting a Division ConferenceMidwest Division Protocol for hosting a Division Conference
Midwest 2020 Spring Conference
Has Been Canceled due to Cronavirus
Please click on this link to see more information: 2020 MWD Spring Conference CANCELLED